So often students with poor spelling skills struggle severely in regular classroom. It is hard to accommodate for the students when they are working two or more grade levels below the regular curriculum. Their spelling is often so poor that they themselves cannot read it. Other people struggle to read it else, including parents and teachers. To top it all off a new students are poor readers along with having trouble with writing and spelling. Some students all some have problems with language skills makes it difficult for them to organize grammar and sentence structure.what are these students to use to keep up in the regular classroom? There are starting to be assistive technology to help the students. Programs like Dragon speak can help them by converting their speech to text. There are also websites out there that help check spelling online. Technology is improving at a drastically faster rate than it has been.The technology for speech to text is even becoming available on cell phones. In the future having poor spelling and writing skills will be less of a hindrance than it has been in years past.
Sensory issues and organization For people with organization problems, there is an issue of focus that can get in the way of finding the routines of getting started on home organization. Multiple steps of cleaning and organizing a home can cause sensory overload for many people. How to keep your brain from going into sensory overload? What is the biggest priority to get your goals accomplished? Anxiety can come into play because of keep all of the steps organized and working. Poor visualization can get in the way of remembering the way tasks should be completed. Small parts of a job can be the way to get a job accomplished. Organizing tasks the night before can keep some of the anxiety issues reduced. Planning each step and getting all the steps done can be a place to start. Using checklists to work through the steps can make sure each part of the goal is completed, because the biggest issue is completing the tasks efficiently each time. Memory and visual processing can be ...
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