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Showing posts from May, 2010

Rainy Memorial Day Weekend

As is fairly typical for this weekend, at as far as my memory serves me, it is rainy. I kind of like that it is a nice soft rain. We need it. The ground was getting so dry and crunchy. I have been working on my educational technology projects. My new favorite blog is I love their backgrounds. I've added one of their backgrounds to this blog.

So many hours at work

I forget how many hours I really am at work. I filled in a chart on how I spend my time. With commuting and after hours work and meetings, there isn't a lot of hours left in the day. There is a reason I come home and hit the couch. It's a lot of hours.
Trail to Avalanche Lake:

Back to Work Monday

Hubby was back to work. Out the door early and on the road by 5:00 a.m. It gave me a lot of time to drink my coffee this morning. The house is always so quiet when he's gone. Tonight, I had to turn on some Jimmy Buffett to liven things up, while I'm working on my school work. Our dog is moping around, missing him.


Sunday Mornings The usual routine of getting up without an alarm clock and enjoying a quiet morning is what I love best about Sundays. I enjoy laying around without all the day's to dos juggling in my head. It might be the part of the week I enjoy the most. I bought a new honeysuckle bush for around the pond and a crab apple tree to replace the aspen that didn't make it. The crab apple bush seems to be liking it so far, with a bunch of blossoms. The bees are liking the addition to the garden. Everything is starting to seem much more springlike up here. The mock orange are all blooming now and the trees are flushing out nicely.
Getting work done after work is a challenge for me. I find that I pour so much into my day at work, that I just come home and try to recover. Forget trying to get anything useful done. I'm lucky if I stay up until my normal bedtime. I sometimes get frustrated about it, but most of the time I try to realize this is where I am at this period during my life. I have to adjust my expectations, or I will drive myself crazy.
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Planting for the long haul

Today we planted aspargus and a flowering crab apple tree and some juniper plants. They all look small and not very interesting right now, lost among the open banks that are housing them. I know that later, they should grow large and be much more appealing. It is the patience it takes to realize that down the road 4 or 5 years we will enjoy them much more. Much more appealing than it was today trying to dig out rocks to get them planted before it rained. I really liked planting the colorful pansies much more, because they were instant gratification. Spring colors to liven up the house.


IMG_0118.jpg Blogged with the Flock Browser

Glacier Park

With Glacier Park almost in our backyard, I am almost always suprised when students tell me that they haven't visited the park, or even been in the area. Some elementary students don't even know what it is. They tell me they haven't been out of our little town. I hope that future field trips to this wonderful place, will excite them and start a new wonder for the area we live in and all the natural abundance around them. Blogged with the Flock Browser

Technology at Work

We played with technology sites and learned that multiple browsers are out there. They can really change how one interacts with the internet. There are many more browsers that I had ever tried. I am currently trying out Flock and I think it might be my new browser of choice. Blogged with the Flock Browser