Today we planted aspargus and a flowering crab apple tree and some juniper plants. They all look small and not very interesting right now, lost among the open banks that are housing them. I know that later, they should grow large and be much more appealing. It is the patience it takes to realize that down the road 4 or 5 years we will enjoy them much more. Much more appealing than it was today trying to dig out rocks to get them planted before it rained. I really liked planting the colorful pansies much more, because they were instant gratification. Spring colors to liven up the house.
Sensory issues and organization For people with organization problems, there is an issue of focus that can get in the way of finding the routines of getting started on home organization. Multiple steps of cleaning and organizing a home can cause sensory overload for many people. How to keep your brain from going into sensory overload? What is the biggest priority to get your goals accomplished? Anxiety can come into play because of keep all of the steps organized and working. Poor visualization can get in the way of remembering the way tasks should be completed. Small parts of a job can be the way to get a job accomplished. Organizing tasks the night before can keep some of the anxiety issues reduced. Planning each step and getting all the steps done can be a place to start. Using checklists to work through the steps can make sure each part of the goal is completed, because the biggest issue is completing the tasks efficiently each time. Memory and visual processing can be ...
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