Sensory issues and organization
For people with organization problems, there is an issue of focus that can get in the way of finding the routines of getting started on home organization. Multiple steps of cleaning and organizing a home can cause sensory overload for many people. How to keep your brain from going into sensory overload? What is the biggest priority to get your goals accomplished? Anxiety can come into play because of keep all of the steps organized and working. Poor visualization can get in the way of remembering the way tasks should be completed. Small parts of a job can be the way to get a job accomplished. Organizing tasks the night before can keep some of the anxiety issues reduced. Planning each step and getting all the steps done can be a place to start. Using checklists to work through the steps can make sure each part of the goal is completed, because the biggest issue is completing the tasks efficiently each time. Memory and visual processing can be places where there are sensory issues.
Problems with memory
Problems with memory can make the simplest of tasks difficult. If you can’t visualize or remember what needs to be done, you won’t be able to complete it or you will miss parts of the task. This can lead to poor performance on the goal or task, even when you want to succeed. Ideas to help this can be implemented by using visual charts or pictures of the steps and the finished product. Timers can help over focusing on just one step and make sure that they move on to the next step. Reduce distraction because this can hurt the focus on the important parts of the job. Get someone to model the job, so it can be learned in a quality manner. This can create less stress if the routine is familiar.
Task avoidance can be part of the organization of tasks because sometimes sensory issues get in the way. If you hate getting your hands into things with texture, cleaning can be a sticking point. Some people may hate getting their hands wet, or touching something dirty. Finding the avoidance points can help increase speed of organization tasks.
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