Where did the summer go? Schools been in session three days already as I post this blog. I blinked and it was over and I was sad that I didn't do many summer things this year. But I did do some very lovely fun things. I went to the Butte Folk festival and I took a trip to Dillion for a week, and we did a raft trip into the wilderness. This is more than some people do all summer I know. I just didn't have much kick back and relax time. I spent most of the summer on the computer working on my masters degree. At least it was a laptop, so I could sit outside and work. I am on the upside of all that computer work, becoming a much faster typist. There was frost on the windshield this morning that I had to scrape off. September 2nd. Very early for that kind of thing.
Sensory issues and organization For people with organization problems, there is an issue of focus that can get in the way of finding the routines of getting started on home organization. Multiple steps of cleaning and organizing a home can cause sensory overload for many people. How to keep your brain from going into sensory overload? What is the biggest priority to get your goals accomplished? Anxiety can come into play because of keep all of the steps organized and working. Poor visualization can get in the way of remembering the way tasks should be completed. Small parts of a job can be the way to get a job accomplished. Organizing tasks the night before can keep some of the anxiety issues reduced. Planning each step and getting all the steps done can be a place to start. Using checklists to work through the steps can make sure each part of the goal is completed, because the biggest issue is completing the tasks efficiently each time. Memory and visual processing can be ...
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